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EYFS- Early Years Foundation Stage
             Early Years Foundation Stage.     
A framework for children aged 0-5 years.
            The overarching aim of the EYFS is to help young children to achieve the 5 every child matters outcome (ECM).
      By setting standards, promoting equal opps, partnership working, ensuring quality and consistency, laying foundation for learning and development
Every Child Matters Outcomes
Positive Relationships- children learn to be strong and independent from a base of loving and secure relationships with parents and /or a key-person/
      Enabling Environments- the environment plays a key role in supporting and extending children’s development and learning.
      Learning and Development- children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates and all areas of Learning and Development are equally important and inter – connected.

 Each child has a learning journey file which includes observations, photographs and a home links section for parents/carers to contribute to.  Children's learning journeys are shared regularly with parents and the nursery holds parents meetings to discuss children's progress and development.