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Family Active Leaflet

Solihull Approach - Understanding Your Child

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Free Family Law Advice Support

Solihull Understanding

Liverpool City Council on Twitter: "We've joined our partners across @merseyprepared to launch a campaign promoting local and national domestic abuse support, with a focus on the new challenges brought by #Coronavirus. Advice and support: #YouAreNotAlone @LizParsons71" / Twitter




Public Health England are running an Open for Business Campaign reminding everyone the NHS is still open for routine treatment and checks as there’s evidence to say that people are avoiding trips to their GP or hospital appointments. 


  • It is important that you or your baby or child still have routine vaccinations. They protect against serious and potentially deadly illnesses and stop outbreaks in the community.
  • If the person needing vaccination has coronavirus symptoms or is self-isolating because someone in the household is displaying symptoms, please contact your GP practice for advice.
  • If you are pregnant it is important that you still attend your antenatal appointments and continue to seek advice from your midwife or maternity team.





Please see a link to our recently developed online safety guidance for parents and carers:

Helplines for Families

In response to the current coronavirus pandemic, Liverpool Local Authority’s

SEND Support Services would like to offer advice and support to our settings and families

during this difficult time.

SENISS Helpline: 07591837693

If your child has special educational needs and you are wanting to know more on

how to support their learning at home then please ring for

professional advice, support or practical strategies.

Monday: 1pm – 4pm, Wednesday: 9am – 4pm, Friday: 9am – 12pm

Alternatively, you can email your concern to

Educational Psychology Service Helpline: 0151 233 5978

If you are concerned about your child’s emotional wellbeing or

managing their behaviour then please ring for professional advice, support or practical strategies.

Monday to Friday: 9am – 4.30pm

Alternatively, you can email your concern to

Speech and Language Helpline: 07540707541

If you need advice or support regarding your child’s speech and language then

please contact Christine Taylor, Principal Speech and Language Therapist.

Tuesday to Friday: 9am – 12pm

Alternatively, you can email your concern to

ASD Training Team: 07522800193/07515501854

Advice and strategies for families of children and young people with

autism or social communication needs.

Monday to Friday: 9am – 12pm

Alternatively, you can email your concern to


Please check out the following website blog for further information:  


The blog covers the following areas;


  • Local Organisation Support - CAMHS
  • Top Tips
  • Parenting Guides
  • Pregnant or New Mums
  • Home Learning
  • Museums and Places to visit online
  • Make Time To Play
  • Ideas for Playing Together
  • Six ways to maintain a routine
  • Managing your own Wellbeing
  • Employment Opportunities

Important Notice


If anyone is sent an email asking for Bank Details in relation to School Free Dinners,

please note this is a Scam.

Welcome to our Children’s Centre website 

County, Fountains, Vauxhall & Walton



The site contains lots of information about all our services and sessions, makes it easy for you to contact us and to link into other useful sites that will help you and your family to get the most out of life. We are still in the process of putting information and the site will expand week by week.
Children’s centres are for all families with a child up to the age of five.  
We welcome parents, carers and grandparents and of course your amazing children!
We know that all parents want the very best for their children but recognise that being a parent is the most challenging and responsible job you will ever do and yet the support and advice out there is not always easy to obtain. County, Fountains,Vauxhall and Walton Children’s Centres are a friendly, one stop venue for all matters relating to getting your precious child off to the best possible start in life. 
You don’t have to make an appointment, just drop in to either site or call us on 0151 298 2918 (Vauxhall) or 0151 233 4741 (Fountains) or 0151 233 3760 (County and Walton)
Our centres provides a range of services in the following subject areas:
  • Health and well-being sessions and advice, as well as referral to additional services
  • Support and advice for parents on all matters relating to bringing up babies and young children including encouraging positive behaviour, potty training, dealing with fussy eaters, advice on the best way to support your child before and after they start school, helping with your child’s language development and generally how to be a confident parent
  • Confidential family support and advice if you have any problems or worries about your family
  • Services for children with additional needs, including advice and support for parents to make sure they are getting all the services they need
  • Early identification of and intervention for any development delays or other problems
  • Lots of fun play sessions for parents and children that support their learning as well as providing you and your child with the chance to make new friends
  • Services and advice to help you to help your child get ready for school and to support their leaning once they get there
  • Help and support to get into employment
  • Access to training and education opportunities for parents and carers
  • A wonderful nursery for all your day care needs
For further information about services and how you and your children can benefit from them see the services section of the site .
As well as centre based services we provide services in a number of schools in and around the town centre so that all our families can easily reach us. For details of the schools we work with and the services provided see the contact us section.
We also visit families at home who cannot attend the centre and can provide one to one support for families on request, just give our team a call to arrange a home visit at your convienience.
The site also contains lots of useful information on all matters related to young children and families and links to other useful websites.
We look forward to seeing you and your little one in one of our centres very soon !
Jo Smith (Centre Co-ordinator)